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We value you as a Distributel customer and wish to keep doing business with you. However, if you decided to cancel your Distributel service, contact us via one of the methods listed at the bottom of this page.

After the cancellation, we will prepare your final debit notice that may include the following charges:

-Early Termination Fees (if applicable): If you are cancelling your Distributel services while you are still within the contract period, you may be subject to early termination fees. The amount can vary depending on the service and the date of cancellation.
-Final regular monthly charges: If your service is cancelled in the middle of the billing period, the prorated amount of your monthly charges will be added to your bill.
-Unreturned Equipment (if applicable): If your equipment hasn’t been returned within 30 days of account cancellation, you will be charged for the equipment value. Click here find out how to return Distributel equipment.

-Home Phone and Long-Distance fees (if applicable): Since these services can have per-usage fees, these fees are billed at a later date. Your bill will include any unpaid usage charges from previous months.
For more details, please refer to the Distributel Terms and Conditions.

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